Being Liberal and a Progressive in a RED STATE is not an easy thing these days. I started this blog to vent my frustrations on our lives being taken over by right wing conservatives with their propaganda machines. I have also learned an important lesson in the last year, it is that reading is the only way to get real information, you cannot depend on the news you see on TV.


Sunday, April 03, 2005

Fundamentalist Phamacists should Choose A Different Career

I find it chilling to read about the number of Far Right Fundamentalists that have choosen to be Pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions they do not believe in. Some pharmacists are refusing to fill birth control or morning after pills.

from the
"There are pharmacists who will only give birth control pills to a woman if she's married. There are pharmacists who mistakenly believe contraception is a form of abortion and refuse to prescribe it to anyone," said Adam Sonfield of the Alan Guttmacher Institute in New York, which tracks reproductive issues. "There are even cases of pharmacists holding prescriptions hostage, where they won't even transfer it to another pharmacy when time is of the essence."

And even scarier is the fact that states are trying to pass laws allowing Pharmacists to go with their conscience without threat of losing their jobs. The 'Conscience' Bill in Arizona has passed the House:

from the Arizona Capitol Times:
Legislation approved by the House of Representatives would allow pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for emergency contraception or abortion drugs without fear of losing their job or other retaliation.

What I don't get I guess is why go into a profession in which you are duty bound to help people get the medicine they need. Pick a different career!


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