Being Liberal and a Progressive in a RED STATE is not an easy thing these days. I started this blog to vent my frustrations on our lives being taken over by right wing conservatives with their propaganda machines. I have also learned an important lesson in the last year, it is that reading is the only way to get real information, you cannot depend on the news you see on TV.


Saturday, January 29, 2005

WHERE is the LIBERAL MEDIA? I want to watch it!!!

Ok, I admit it I'm a democrat. So here I am switching channels, going from one 24 hour news channel to another trying to find the news from my point of view. I find Fox News Network, wow they lean so far to the right they may be in jeopardy of falling into the Atlantic Ocean. CNN? Too balanced for me. "Well, you say, there is Paul Begala and James Carville," but I say they are cancelled out by Bob Novak and Tucker Carlson. Wolf Blitzer and Judy Woodrift seem pretty down the middle asking the hard questions to both sides. Maybe MSNBC, will they perform to my liberal attitudes 24 hours a day? I watch Chris Matthews and that was sure a breath of fresh air, but then Joe Scarborough appears and I have to turn the channel again. Yea, I found C-Span, oh goody they are reviewing a book on those bad Republicans, this is it I say, ok I am home now, when low and behold they start reviewing a book on those bad democrats.

So where is this Liberal Media I keep hearing about, that is so prevalent in the world today that it seems to be the top priority subject matter by such unbiased (haha) pundits as Russ Limbaugh, Laura Ingrahm, Ann Coulter and many others. I sure wish someone would tell me, I want to watch it.

It's not fair that the Right Wingers get their own 24 hour a day news channel. Where is the Rupert Murdock of the Left, please we need you. Look, six million viewers watched the Republican convention on Fox. Now that is scary! Think about it, six million Americans watching the Republican Convention hearing all the opinions from pundits that slant to the right. That's alot of people who actually think they are getting a "Fair and Balanced" version and who are really being brainwashed from a conservative media outlet.

So Warren Buffet this is for you, get off your butt, buy a news network, hire Michael Moore, Al Franken and Bill Maher and we liberals could rule the world.


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